I was living a “normal” life

“I’m sorry, it’s positive. You have breast cancer.”

Said the doctor over the phone 5 years ago.

At the time, this felt like a death sentence. I was frozen. Absolutely terrified that I would not live to see my daughter turn 18.

After a double mysectomy and reconstruction surgery, my continuation of remission was directed from the traditional Western model of medicine.

While this served me to a point, I could feel so strongly that something was missing in the traditional model of healthcare.

There was nothing in my life that would have screamed cancer diagnosis.

Knowing what I know now, there were definitely some contributors such as: high stress, high pressure environments, alcohol and feeling a lack of purpose in the world…. all “lifestyle diseases”.

It’s now my mission to help women rejuvenate themselves in all aspects of life so that they can prevent what I had to go through.

Plant forward healing

The first place I turned to for further support was nutrition.

“Wait, I can heal with FOOD?! Why wasn’t I made aware of this?”

Previously, I thought I was eating healthy. I was eating on the healthier side of the Standard American Diet. Furthering my education in Health, Wellness and Nutritional Coaching has anchored in all that I had begun learning from my own research and healing.

I chose a way of nutrition that promotes longevity. “How can I live my most optimal and fulfilling life?” This way of nutrition is the most efficient for healing from and preventing the “lifestyle diseases” listed above. Leading with a plant-forward diet has provided all that and more.

The Be Empowered Wellness Pillars

Plant Based Nutrition│Movement│Sleep│Stress Management│Connection│Purpose/Passion

Take your life back

As it goes with healing, one thing led to another, and I found myself taking a closer look at ALL aspects of my life, not just my nutrition.

I rebuilt myself, from the ground up. Through this journey, my passion grew to help women, not only heal from disease or prevent it, but to really come back to themselves, find their spark and live the life they’ve always dreamed of.

I tended to everyone else around me my whole life, and then suffered the consequences. I am here to affirm to you that

You CAN do it. You CAN feel better. You CAN put yourself first and create a whole new life of radiance, health, passion and joy.

If you’ve ever felt an inkling that there’s more, I’m here to tell you that there most definitely is.

When you feel good, you can do more, be more and experience more that life has to offer. I’m here to walk with you on this path of becoming the best version of you.