đŸ©· ‘Tis the Season..

We are smack dab in the middle of Breast Cancer Awareness month. A season near and dear to my heart. Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I have a love/hate relationship :)

Five years ago, at 48 years old, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Triple Positive Breast Cancer. In laymans terms - the most common form of breast cancer - but aggressive.

To figure out what I was dealing with I dug deep, did a lot of research, talked to a lot of doctors, got a lot of opinions, talked to other survivors and started to figure out the “why” and the “how” and the “what can i do” answers.

I had my surgery and managed the rest of the treatment plan my way. And after that I was cancer free.

And now what?

Our western medical system doesn’t give us any prevention methods nor any guidance on what to do “after”.

Shortly after my diagnosis, in that soupy, hellish place of no answers and constant dread, I came upon some information and studies that showed how nutrition can prevent cancer and even prevent recurrence.

I learned how a plant based diet could decrease inflammation, infuse my cells with the nutrients, antioxidants to heal, prevent cancer and keep me living longer and healthier than ever. I was hooked! I went on a fully plant based diet for years (and still am!)

But I also learned that our stress, sleep (or lack thereof), how connected we feel to ourselves (spirituality) and others (community), our movement and the purpose we feel in our lives all intertwine to create the healthiest and longest lives we could possibly live.

Cancer was my wake up all. Cancer was my transition. It took me years to learn about these foundations, implement them and, finally, to see them as my purpose. To help others not only learn how they can prevent disease but to thrive and live a long, happy and joyful life. Because when we feel TRULY nourished and healthy in our minds, bodies and spirits we exude that. And we have the energy, vibrancy and optimism to live our truest lives and grab our biggest dreams!

And while this month you’ll see a lot of “pinking” by companies and industries (and some not so healthy, inflammation-producing products - pink bagels, pink cupcakes, etc - all in the name of breast cancer awareness
 tsk, tsk) there are some consistent and simple lifestyle changes that you can do today to prevent your own cancer risk:

  • Eat “plant forward” foods. You don’t have to be 100% but have your diet consist mainly of plant-based foods - vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, legumes. There are SO many ways to make your meals delicious and healthy

  • Move that body - just move it. Weights, a daily walk, yoga, stretching, pilates, Zumba - whatever your pleasure! Just move it.

  • Stress management - hobbies, meditation, journaling - activities that take you out of “thinking mode” and “stressing mode” and into a relaxed state. This doesn’t not involve alcohol, binge watching TV or scrolling endlessly on social media (sorry, not sorry!)

  • Sleep - good quality, restful sleep. You want to wake up feeling rested and refreshed most days (we all have sleepless nights or sleepless times)

  • Connectedness - with yourself and others. Strong friendships and family relationships, volunteering, the relationship with yourself (through daily reflection and meditation, breathwork, etc)

  • Purpose/Passion - what gets you out of bed in the morning? What can’t you stop talking about? What can’t you stop learning about and sharing? What lights you up? Who do you like to help? Finding what truly drives your purpose and passion is one of the most joyful experiences of life.

I’ve created my entire health & wellness coaching business and offerings around these foundations. Because when they are all utilized you decrease inflammation, increase your immunity, find joy and purpose and you end up living on purpose with vibrancy and joy. And it can all lead to a healthy, long life!

If you’ve been affected by breast cancer, or know someone who has and you want to talk about your experience and what you’ve learned from it I would love to talk to you. I’m happy to answer any questions about any of the foundations listed above and how they can apply directly to your cancer-free life.


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