3 Powerful Ways to Combat Stress with Nutrition & Healthy Eating Tips

My best friend called today. Stress is taking over and she’s starting to feel it in her body - low quality sleep, symptoms of a recurring and chronic issue showing up and that just overall stressed feeling. It got me thinking, stress these days is a companion for all of us. It hits everyone in different ways but we KNOW when it hits. 

Our ultimate goal is to lower and/or manage our stress levels but sometimes life just keeps happening and all we can do is to manage just a few practices to alleviate some of our discomfort until we can make bigger changes in our lives. 

And while some of life's stresses require major overhauls, some of them can be managed with some healthful practices until the stressors are alleviated. 

Below are the top 3 ways I support myself (and coach clients through) during stressful times:

  1. A Balanced Diet Rich in Plant Forward Foods: 

    • Complex carbs - all carbs are not bad. We need healthy, complex carbs for energy, brain function and blood sugar regulation. Complex carbs found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts are the best choices 

    • Omega 3 Fatty Acids - Chia seeds, flaxseeds and walnuts are all excellent plant based options. If you eat fish, salmon, mackerel and sardines are the best options to achieve these fatty acids 

    • Magnesium Rich Foods - spinach, almonds, avocados and (my favorite) dark chocolate (in moderation of course!)

  1. Limit Caffeine & Sugar & Alcohol 

    • Caffeine can have a significant impact on anxiety and mood swings as well as disrupt sleep patterns - Because of disrupted sleep due to stress we can often begin to lean on caffeinated beverages to “power through” our day. Do your best to limit your caffeine consumption to a couple of cups of coffee in the morning and create a rule for no caffeine after 3:00 p.m. Healthier alternative: substitute your afternoon caffeine with delicious herbal teas and water. Often dehydration can create sluggishness and sometimes we just need more water. 

    • Limit sugar intake - much like caffeine, the highs and lows of sugar consumption can boost energy but, just as quickly, leave  you feeling depleted with a potential mood swing that increases stress instead of decreases it. Healthy alternative: fresh fruit, a fruit sweetened smoothie or dates stuffed with peanut butter if you are craving sugar 

    • Limite/eliminate alcohol consumption - I know that a glass of wine or cocktail feels like it’s relaxing but it’s actually counterintuitive. With our bodies needing to eliminate the toxins from alcohol it disrupts our sleep and can create mood swings as well 

  1. Mindful Eating Habits 

    • Emotional Eating/ Overeating - eating less than healthy comfort foods is extremely tempting. Our bodies crave sugar and fat during stressful times. It’s ok to have an occasional treat to satisfy that craving but keeping to more healthful, supportive foods (see above) is more important. There are a lot of healthy, delicious substitutes! 

    • Regular Meal Times - try to eat at regular intervals and times each day in order to keep your blood sugar as stable as possible. Big blood sugar swings create more stress for our minds and bodies 

    • Portion Sizes - keep to regular portions so your body doesn’t feel bloated and uncomfortable 

    • Prevent Hunger Related Stress - when we get extra hungry (hangry!) that can cause our bodies to feel stressed as well. Keep healthy snacks on hand (fruit and a nut butter, a handful of mixed nuts, popcorn, etc) to keep deep hunger at bay

    • Eating Intuitively - this is so important and comes with living a mindful life and knowing our body’s cues. Not only can you learn to eat mindfully and intentionally while knowing what your body needs you can learn what foods you crave and you can learn when to start eating and stop eating

While this blog post focused on nutrition for stress management there are key additional practices you can also incorporate for a holistic approach and relief: 

Movement - take a walk, do some stretches, put on a yoga video, take a bike ride - anything to get your body moving. Bonus points: do it outside and soak up some nature! 

Sufficient Sleep - have a regular routine for bedtime and hit the sheets at the same time every night 

Relaxation Techniques - meditation, prayer, journaling, creative writing, hobbies, etc. can prove extremely beneficial for stress management 

If you want to learn more about how you can incorporate nutritional practices into your life to create optimum health, joy and vibrancy please contact me for a no-pressure phone call. I’d love to talk with you and learn more about your needs and interests!


Please Eat the Fruit!


From Cancer Diagnosis to Living a Healthy, Joyful, Vibrant Life